Andy and I busted out 5 straight days of work aboard YOLO last week. We are fixing her up for the epic journey to come. We got some serious work done, but still have some serious work ahead of us to get her ready. Our biggest success.... got the fridge installed and already enjoyed the fruits of our labor on that one. we had rum and coke (WITH ICE!!!) followed by a couple cold beers! I'm really gonna dig this fridge. You can see a "during photo of hte fridge, we forgot to snap an "after" pic. We also finally figured out the problem with the autopilot and got that fixed too. Andy figured out the tachometer and we got the oil pressure light working again as well. Good instruments to have if we're gonna be motoring for almost a month straight to get to the gulf. We changed the fuel filter (see andy under the sink). We got the solar charge controller mounted and I've been bustin my noggin trying to learn how to wire everything up with the solar panels, batteries, and house electrical (see me in the locker). I think I've got it figured out, but we'll see. Andy slipped on his climing harness and I hoisted him up to the top of the mast to check out our lights (hoping we had an LED anchor light up there. :( we don't.) we'll have to get one and put it up there.
We did all kinds of stuff but this is just some highlights of our efforts. Unfortunately, the one project we did not get to complete was the mounting of the solar panels. This is proving to be a pain in my ass. I think I've got all the materials we need now, but i'm stuck at work and cannot get to the boat until the 12th or so. It will be a happy day for me to post the "after pictures" of the solar panels on here!
Hope to see you all at the bon voyage party!
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